
We design FTTH networks, from high level strategic approach to detailed designing. From in-house studies to terrain observations and services support throughout a project lifespan.

Our philosophy as telecom engineers is to develop and use software and innovative mapping and GIS tools to facilitate the work of local authorities, operators and developers whose major challenge of this decade is to deploy and operate very high-speed infrastructures, expected by the general public and businesses.

This is why we have developed:

  • Setics Sttar : automated detailed design software for FTTH networks
  • FiberState : a tool dedicated to the monitoring and management of FTTH projects

What is Setics Sttar ?

Setics Sttar is an automated FTTH network design and optimization software for complex projects -costs, time constraints, long duration projects, large number of outlets...
With Setics Sttar, we bring an "off-the-shelf" expertise to our customers in order to meet their needs and the specificities of their project, thanks to a software, associated solutions and services for its handling and configuration.

The software can meet the expectations of many types of operators and projects, internationally, by guaranteeing:

  • Save up to 90% of time by implementing automated design processing
  • Optimization of deployment costs, as the algorithm uses the calculated costs of the various choices to make a trade-off that minimises these costs
  • Respect of engineering rules, by level, specific to the design of a network
  • Evaluation of multiple scenarios taking into account different parameters
  • Optimization of the network layout and architecture
  • Joint use with tools for storing, analysing and processing geographic data and compatibility with GIS tools (QGIS, FME, GraceTHD...)

Design automation allows our customers to model their network and estimate costs quickly. They can also work manually to adjust and rework the design and produce deliverables to best prepare for the network construction phase.

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What is FiberState?

FiberState is a tool dedicated to the monitoring and management of FTTH projects. It provides a dashboard allowing a real-time view of the network deployment progress throughout various modules:

  • A monitoring and control interface allowing to visualise each step of the life of a network element, to control the retroplanning and the project deadlines
  • An exchange interface facilitating the lifting of field reservations
  • A cartographic view and a dashboard allowing to visualise in a dynamic way the indicators

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Whether you have a question or an inquiry, our team is ready to answer your requests!

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